Lottie's Drag Page


Here you will find Lottie's history and pictures. Doing drag is something that I enjoy. I have always enjoyed entertaining people. Drag is a special form of entertaining. It is one of the only True Gay art-forms. If it wasn't for a few Drag Queens, Hustlers, and Dykes we wouldn't have the freedoms that we have today. If you don't know what that means go to Stonewall Society. I feel that we should know more about our history!

I have been performing most of my life. I was in the Choir all through school. I performed in talent shows also. In high school I was in an English handbell choir called the Belleairs. We came in 2nd place in the International Music Festival in Mexico City!

Oh now, where was I... Oh yes Drag. I always loved to dress up in Mother's clothes. One of my favorite Halloween costumes was a wedding dress. I wore it so much, before Halloween, that mother had to get me another costume to go Trick or Treating!

I had donned a dress for several talent shows. One in particular was in the 11th grade. A group of friends and I did our rendition of one of Carol Burnettes "As The Stomach Turns". I had Harvey Corman's part as the Free lance Yenta.

The first time I did Drag after I came out was in a little bar in Charleston WV called the Blackhorse. Now don't go looking for it, because it is closed. It was one of those times I would really like to forget. But it is part of my history, so, here goes. I took the name of Stacy Carrington. My best friend at the time, Carl Pritt AKA Neely O'Hara, booked the show and asked if I would be in it. I only had to do one #. I picked Mama Cass' "Dream a Little Dream of Me". I went to Stone and Thomas and bought an awful light turquoise double knit Mother-in-laws dress with chiffon wing sleeves. I had a pair of clogs and for hair I wore a fall. I know I was doing what was called 'Bad Drag'. I won't go into the show but I will say if you were there you would have said don't quit your day job. LOL.

From this point I didn't do drag, except for Halloween, parties and around the house.

It wasn't until 1990, that I performed again in public in Drag.

First, I think that I need to show you a before and after shot of me. This will help you to see the transformation!

Quite a difference? Huh?

Lottie's History

Lottie was born in April 1990, in Ocala Florida. There were no local Gay Bars in Ocala, at the time. There was a local gay social group in Ocala called L.O.G.O. (Local Organization of Gays and Lesbians of Ocala). We joined LOGO at the beginning of March. They already had plans for an event called Springfest '90. About 2 weeks before the event we had planned to attend, when we were asked if we could be in the show. They didn't know if the queens that were scheduled were going to make it. Carmen and I got together with two member's of LOGO, Rick and Norman, and planned out what we would do.

At this point the LOGO Girls were born!

After that show we were asked to help with the AIDS benefit, for the local AIDS Network. It was an experiance that I will never forget. At the end of the show there wasn't a dry eye in the house. There was such a feeling of love and hope in that room. It was felt by all, the performers and the audience alike. After that, we would rent out the local dance studio and have our month's entertainment. It was like a private social club... there were a couple of them where the bar in the same strip mall would complain because we would have more people and sounded like we were having more fun than they were. But, we never were harassed by any of their patrons or the police. If I ever get a server that will allow mpgs and the space to do it I will share some of the videos we did of those shows. You see, we taped almost every one of them. Some were just for fun, some were themed. We did a Christmas show that we called Xmas at Drag Central or Xmas at 6969 Clitty Cock Lane. Over time characters and a story line was developed.    

As I have time, I will be updating this page so check back often! Here are a few more...

Lottie's first Dress!!!

Lottie's Glamour

Shots !!!!!!!!

I made the dress, And the Fan Len made the jewelry!
Here's the dress in action! Here's Ginga Vitus Lisa Simpson
Taken from a Video Ain't she hot? Hey Baby!!!! Mardi Gras Queen
More to come!

So check back often!

I made this dress too!

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