Here are a few pics of my Aunts and Uncles and Cousins, Some I don't know who they are (If you do write me and let me know.)

This first set of pictures are what are known as Tin-Types. Early photographs used sheets of tin as a medium. I have no earthly idea who these people are. They must be of  some of the Gardner clan.



I'm not sure who these people are. I believe this is my Grandfather and Uncle Deacon Krantz


This is either Grandfather or his father Maybe this is Grandmother Gardner

Ok I know who most of these people are... They are Mothers Brothers and sisters The Man is Uncle Phil, The one in the back is Margaret 'Granny' Gardner-Benome, and the lady in the black is Aunt Hazel. The one in Red is Louise, my 1st cousin. the other lady, I can't remember her name but I remember that I liked her.

Below is Uncle Deacon Krantz and his wife, my Aunt Louise. This was taken in our kitchen before we remodeled. This is Helen Marie Benome Sprigle
She is one of the most wonderful people I know!
H M B S (Her Majestie's Bull S__t)

I'm a Son of the American Revolution!


As I scan pics I will be uploading them to this site.

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